NASCAR's 丹妮卡 Patrick Reminds Foxcroft Students "There's No Dream Too Big."

Race car driver 丹妮卡 Patrick had never been to a girls' boarding school before and most of the students in 99499威尼斯信誉's 制革匠图书馆 Thursday morning had never met someone who drives 200 mph for a living. 一小时内, 虽然, the two seemingly disparate parties had bonded over boys, Beyoncè and breaking down barriers during an animated Q&一个会话. Then they went to the Physics Lab to talk science and engineering.
By the time the 33-year-old dynamo (she's only 5'2") left the Middleburg, VA, 中午校园, a mutual admiration society had clearly been established.
 “I have no doubt that one day I am going to be buying something you designed or built,” Patrick said after a group of engineering students talked about designing and building podiums last spring for a future conference room, and 阀杆 Club members showed her the unassisted aerial vehicle (UAV) they built through the Kashmir World Foundation’s Da Vinci Challenge.
“她是 so 一个学生说. “I like that she talked about the people who had helped her and that it wasn’t just about her,另一个说. “She asked us a lot of questions and really listened to us,” added a third.
事实上, 整个访问过程, Patrick seemed as interested in the School and the girls -- who gave her a huge “Foxcroft welcome” when she arrived -- as they were in her. She asked each of the 阀杆 students what they learned or what they were going to do after Foxcroft. 一度, 帕99499威尼斯信誉里克辱骂了71年的董事会成员南·斯图尔99499威尼斯信誉, 谁在安排这次访问中起了作用, 问一些关于学校传统的问题.
访问开始于 library, which was packed to the gills with students, faculty, parents and press. 学校校长Lexie W. '16 introduced her and Patrick said a few words, seniors Serena H. 和Natalie H. 缓和了一个问题&全是女孩子的问题. Many of them centered on Patrick’s experience in a male-dominated career.
“At times it has been a challenge getting people to believe in what I can do and getting what I need to run with the big boys,她允许道。, noting that occasionally guys at the track have made cracks about her being a woman -- and sharing some good comeback lines with the girls.
“但我一直相信, I was brought up to try to be the best at whatever I am doing -- not just the best girl,她补充道。. “我不介意与众不同. . . But I don’t think I’m really different from the other drivers. 我们都想赢.”
承诺是一个反复出现的主题. “There’s never a perfect way to get to the top, there’s no set plan. You just have to figure out what you want to do, what you want to be, and get going,”她说。. “I changed my whole life when I was in high school to work harder and get better as a driver. 如果我没有,我就不会有现在的成就.

“There's not always going to be the perfect scenario but I tell you what -- from anything and everything you do that is headed towards your goal, 你会学到, 绝对学习. You'll learn something from the experience and be better for it,” continued a woman who has had plenty of ups and downs on the way to becoming the best female race car driver in history.

"If you could do anything in your life, what would you do. 回答这个问题. 今晚好好想想吧. If you could be anything you wanted to be or do anything you wanted to do, what would it be? 没有不可能实现的梦想."
有掩护男孩(男人)和突破障碍, Patrick really hit a chord with the girls when she answered a question about her most memorable experience ever.
“Being in a music video with Jay-Z and Dale Earnhardt Jr, 和碧昂丝共进午餐,”她说。, 分享了在摩纳哥拍摄的细节. “这真的很酷.”
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An all-girls boarding and day school in Northern Virginia, Foxcroft prepares young women in grades 9-12 for success in college and in life. Our outstanding academic program offers challenging courses, including Advanced Placement classes and an innovative 阀杆 program. Our premiere equestrian program is nationally recognized, and our athletic teams have won conference and state championships. Experience the best in girls' boarding schools: visit Foxcroft.